Page 4

Again, heading west on route 90.  And read left to right.  Those without captions, what needs to be said?

This was the only thing left of the Bank.  It is the Vault.

Just the foundation is left./

Structure is mainly intact, at first view.

Poor quality and distorted, semi frontal view of prior pict.

One of the few signs of re-construction we saw along the coast.

What's left of the foundation of a former building.

Another picture of the same.

A little closer, and we see this beachfront porperty is for sale.

This was the entrance to a gated community.  Only the trees survived, and not all those were intact.

There was a pond off to the right.

Here was the gate, with condo's in the background.

More condos in the background.  There is a set of steps in the foreground of this picture.

And more condos.

And another.

Obviously, visiting is not allowed, for obvious reasons.

Katrina Page 5