Low temp this morning was 55 degrees in Gallup, New Mexico in a Wal
Mart parking lot. When we awoke there were 14 other rv's parked
there and at least a dozen semi's. That a sight. High temp
today was about 98 degrees. As I said earlier, with the humidity
so low, it doesn't feel near that hot. Yes, it's warm, but
doesn't feel as bad as back home. Anyhow, we left Gallup this
morning and headed east on I 40, but when we found some of the exits
showing the Historical Route 66 signs - we sometimes took that exit to
see what was around. Most of the original stuff is now gone, but
now and then we find an item or two. I am amazed at all the
manufactured housing that exists is the western US. It seems that
the majority of housing we've seen has been either single or double
wide trailers, or rv's of some sort. Some of the places we've
seen is nothing more than an rv parked on a lot, with a garage, couple
of cars, and/or trucks, some junk and such. Absolutely
amazing. If some of the structures were found in our area at home
- they would be either fined or condemned and told to clean up the
mess. Some of the larger cities may have less manufactured
housing ( not really sure, because we haven't looked around very much
in the bigger ones), but some of the smaller ones are loaded with
trailers. Most of the areas we've seen in Arizona and New Mexico
have little to no grass. If they're growing grass, it's because
they're watering it to keep it alive and growing, otherwise, forget
it. We drove into Albuquerque, New Mexico late this afternoon,
and stopped at a Flying J for gas. Had to wait on the guy ahead
of me for about 30 minutes. After we filled up, we went inside
for a lite supper. Upon looking at the watch, we decided to stay
put instead of driving through rush hour traffic for the next couple of
hours. So, currently (8:55 p.m.) we are looking out the front
window at one of the most impressive display of city lights that I have
seen. The city stretches for miles and miles north to south and
east to west. It's like looking at the light display in the
Virginia mountains, only more of them, and much closer than in
Virginia. Not that I would want to live in a city of half a
million, but the light display at night is impressive. Tomorrow,
I think we will try to head up into Colorado. Not sure how far in
we will get, but we are heading in that direction. Route 25 will
be the route of choice. I am going to try to upload some pictures
tonight, but probably won't get them all up, because there are quite a
few and I have a slow internet connection. Later........ |